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    (Optional Modules)

RecordTrak is a state-of-the art computerized management system developed specifically for retail record stores. Over the past ten years, RecordTrak has earned the endorsement of industry leaders. Its unique features were carefully designed to enhance your profitability by:
  • Precisely managing inventory
  • Minimizing lost sales
  • Optimizing customer service
  • Promoting customer loyalty
  • Improving security
  • Saving time
RecordTrak is the best supported system in the industry. Before each system is delivered, we configure the hardware and install the operating system, RecordTrak software and database. The complete hardware/software system is fully tested before it is shipped to your store. Upon receipt, simply unpack the computer, plug it in, and you are ready to go. Most of our systems also include on-site installation and training by one of our system installers. After system installation, you are backed by a highly knowledgeable and friendly support team to keep your system running smoothly. Support questions are answered by phone or by linking computers via modem for more in-depth diagnostics. RecordTrak is the finest management system available to record stores. With exceptional backing from our support staff, it provides a total solution today and for years to come.

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Point of Sale

RecordTrak point-of-sale (POS) station is so easy to operate that you can train inexperienced, part-time help in minutes. The menu-driven screens clearly display all information needed to provide superior customer service and speed during POS operations. The hardware has been carefully selected for compatibility with our software and thoroughly tested for reliability and performance.

A typical sale is processed by scanning the bar code on each item and pressing the total key. RecordTrak easily handles any special case. You can change prices, discount items, exempt sales from taxation and use department keys to ring items not tracked individually. For each sale, RecordTrak stores the clerk, register number, date, time, price changes, discounts, and voids. Sales information is immediately posted to the inventory file. Security levels can be configured to meet your needs.

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Trade Slips

A "trade slip" is a computer issued slip that is later redeemed for cash or merchandise. RecordTrak provides up to six types of trade slips, including gift certificates and credit slips.

When issuing a trade slip at the POS station, the clerk selects the slip type and enters the slip amount and optional customer name. RecordTrak assigns a unique number to the slip, prints it on the receipt printer, and stores the information.

When redeeming a trade slip at the POS, the clerk enters the slip number. RecordTrak retrieves the slip information and displays the credit due amount. The clerk is alerted if the slip has already been redeemed or the slip has expired. You can search by customer name to find lost slips. Reports can be run listing all outstanding trade slips.

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Daily Reporting

RecordTrak produces informative daily sales reports that enable you to quickly balance your POS. registers and identify items that need to be ordered immediately. RecordTrak also improves your store's security by logging voided sales, flagging price changes and itemizing discounts.

The Daily Sales by Item report helps you determine if an item should be ordered immediately or during the normal ordering cycle. This report lists each item sold, the quantity sold, and the dollar amount sold. It also prints new quantity on hand, existing quantity on order, and the past four weeks of sales history.

The Daily Sales Total report lists the number of customers served and the dollar amounts for each register, broken down by payment type. The number of units and dollars sold in each department are also printed, as are the number of customers and dollar amounts sold for each hour of the day.

RecordTrak can list sales for the day in chronological order, or break them out by clerk. All daily sales information is accumulated, enabling you to print weekly or monthly reports.

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RecordTrak's unique merging ability combines multiple databases into a single, easily searched database. RecordTrak's unequaled speed and flexibility enable you to search through over 250,000 titles and locate an album in less than one second!

Primary search fields include: artist, album title, and song title. Auxiliary search fields such as label, category and configuration help narrow the search. Results can be printed for in-store or customer use. A selected item can be moved from the Inquiry screen to the Cash Register or Special Order screens with a single key stroke.

When you inquire on the artist "EAGLES", RecordTrak displays a summary of that artist's albums and their quantity on hand. If an item is not in stock but is on order, the date and quantity ordered are displayed. Any of the selected items can be expanded to show additional information maintained by RecordTrak.

RecordTrak's unique merging of album and song title databases enables you to display all song titles on an album along with the corresponding composer, track number, running time, and date of original release.

When a song title is entered, RecordTrak displays all albums containing that song, a feature extremely popular with store customers. A "customer friendly" version of the inquiry program can run on a sales floor terminal for self service customer use.

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RecordTrak maintains a record of all outstanding purchase orders. When an order is received, you enter the purchase order number. RecordTrak displays information about the purchase order, and you scan in the order. As each item is scanned, RecordTrak displays general information, quantity originally ordered, and quantity received. You may adjust prices, stock numbers, or any other information.

RecordTrak also allows you to receive by exception. With this method, you enter the items that were not received. When receiving a shipment that includes items from multiple purchase orders, RecordTrak automatically matches each item to its proper purchase order.

When all items have been received, RecordTrak updates quantity on hand and quantity on order. A receiving history is updated on each item showing: date received, invoice number, item cost, and quantity received. RecordTrak can automatically print bar code labels for items. Reports of items received or discrepancies can also be printed. Items not received can be removed from the purchase order, placed on back order, or placed in a reorder file.

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Inventory Maintenance

RecordTrak maintains complete information on every item in your inventory, even accessories such as posters, T-shirts and jewelry. The Inventory File Maintenance screen enables you to add new items to inventory, change information about an existing item and delete unwanted items.

Since your RecordTrak system comes with a music database already installed, you will not have to enter the descriptive information for most items. When product is sold, ordered or received, RecordTrak adjusts quantities and histories automatically. You always have an accurate record of exactly what you have in the store.

RecordTrak is not only compatible with all major one stop databases, but it also frequently uses merged databases. For example, a major one stop database can be used for domestic music, while the database from a more specialized distributor is used for imports. RecordTrak merges the information into a single, easily searched, database. This is also true when a song title database is merged with a one stop database.

The Detailed Sales History screen displays the complete sales history for each item that is automatically maintained by RecordTrak. Number of units sold by week for the past eight weeks, and by month for the past twelve months is also displayed. The number in parenthesis after each line of the weekly sales history is the number of days the item was out-of-stock during that week. A receiving history is also displayed and automatically maintained for the last four receipts.

A "price table" is used to translate the database's list price into your selling price and true cost. RecordTrak maintains up to four different vendors and costs on each item, allowing you to perform comparative pricing.

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Analysis Reports

RecordTrak offers the most comprehensive reporting capability of any system available to music stores. Its many standard reports clearly detail the extensive information you need to evaluate your store's performance. In addition, you can define your own special reports with RecordTrak's "User Definable" feature. All reports use our powerful Scan/Sort menu that enables you to select and sort on over fifty fields of information.

The "Value vs. Sales" report helps you find sections of your inventory that need to be expanded or reduced. Your current investment in a section of inventory and the percentage of your total inventory that it represents are displayed on the left side. The right side reflects corresponding month-to-date and year-to-date sales and the percentage of total sales. The "Value vs. Sales" report is subtotaled by configuration, musical category, location, vendor, label, department, price point or combinations.

The Trade report shows your top selling titles and a summary of units sold by configuration. You select the time period to be analyzed. The Best Seller report is similar to the Trade report, with the exception that configurations of the same title are grouped separately. Other reports include: History, Catalog, Inventory Performance, Value of Inventory, Price List, Ordering, Price Point, and Variable History.

SoundScan reporting is included for stores who choose to participate in determining the weekly chart rankings published in Billboard. No financial information, pricing or sales histories are reported, and all information is confidential. For an explanation of benefits for reporting stores, Trak Systems can refer you to a SoundScan representative.

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Special Orders (optional module)

One way for your store to distinguish itself from competitors is by efficiently taking and filling special orders. RecordTrak turns special orders into an efficient and profitable task.

A special order can begin by using the Inquiry software to look up your customer's request. The Inquiry screen shows which items are in stock and which are not. With the push of a button, an item not in stock can be transferred from the Inquiry screen to the Special Order screen. By finding the item on the inquiry screen, you have identified the exact item and know that is available. Even used items can be requested through the special order system.

The Special Order screen allows you to identify the customer and enter any miscellaneous information. An optional deposit can also be taken. After a special order is entered, a receipt is printed for the customer as a record of the item special ordered.

Each item special ordered, unless it is a used item, is automatically placed on the recommended order list with a flag that highlights it as a special order. It can then be ordered along with your other product, or ordered separately.

When receiving an order, RecordTrak "beeps" if a special ordered item is scanned. RecordTrak prints a slip with the customer's information for each special order item received so you can attach it to the item and notify the customer.

RecordTrak can list all special order items that are on order over a given number of days, but not yet received.

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Ordering (optional module)

A key to maximizing your store's profit is maintaining the proper quantity of each item. Stock too few and you lose sales. Stock too many and your money is tied up unproductively. RecordTrak stores a wealth of detailed information and sales history on each item to help you maintain an optimum stocking level.

An order can be created in several ways. You may enter individual items, either by stock number or through the Inquiry function. You may select groups of items using the powerful Scan/ Sort menu. You may also allow the computer to help choose items to be ordered based on sales history. Whatever method you select, you have final control over the items and quantities to order.

RecordTrak can compute "projected sales" for each inventory item based on sales history. The projected sales are compared to current quantity on hand and quantity on order to determine an optimal order quantity. You have complete control over what items RecordTrak considers for ordering and what method is used to compute order quantity. All items, including special order items, reorders, and slow movers, can be identified as "non-stock" to prevent future ordering.

You may review RecordTrak's ordering recommendations. Quantities to be ordered can be increased, decreased or changed to zero. Additional information on an item can also be changed. Once you are finished making adjustments, RecordTrak assigns a purchase order number and prints a purchase order suitable for faxing. RecordTrak can send orders electronically (EDI) over the phone modem to most vendors who accept the industry standard NARM order format.

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Frequent Buyers Club (optional module)

The Frequent Buyers Club module helps you promote and reward customer loyalty and improve customer service by creating a club program that is just right for your store.

You may discount club member purchases, provide a bonus, or both. Some stores wish to give the club member a "bonus" after a predetermined number of purchases. A bonus can be a free item, gift certificate, store credit, discount coupon, etc. You can base the bonus level on the number of units purchased, the dollar amount purchased or a combination of the two.

If you discount purchases, you can assign different discount rates for different customers. You choose which configurations count toward the bonus and/or discount, and whether to include sale items. A minimum dollar value can be set for eligible items.

At the POS, clerks enter the member's code and the system displays the customer's name and bonus information. RecordTrak applies any discounts and updates the member's file. Each club member is issued a scannable membership card or assigned a member code. When a member's code is not available, their account can be accessed by name or phone number.

One type of membership card is a key tag made of durable plastic. It contains the store's logo on one side and a unique bar code number on the reverse. Trak Systems can provide you with this, or other types of membership cards.

Each club member's POS receipt contains the member's code and can show how many more units or dollars are needed to obtain a bonus. Whether you give a bonus or not, the discount for the sale can be printed on the receipt. The receipt encourages the member and provides constant feedback. If the member returns product, RecordTrak deducts the returned item from the member's record.

RecordTrak's Frequent Buyers Club and Mail List programs help you target customers for special promotions and sales. RecordTrak not only accumulates the number of units and dollars purchased, but also records each item the member purchases. This enables you to perform sophisticated direct marketing campaigns. Mailing labels can be printed, in zip code order, for selected members.

For example, you could mail a flyer to all members who purchased a particular artist's album to inform them of a new release. You could target a mailing to members who purchased more than $500 of classical music in the past year. You could also target members who have not shopped in your store in the last six months. The possibilities are endless!

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Used Product Management (optional module)

Many stores find the buying of used CD's and other used product to be profitable and a way to distinguish them from their competitors.

When purchasing a used item, your store's buyer scans the bar code or searches for it by artist/title. For both the new and used versions of the item, RecordTrak displays detailed sales history, current quantity on hand, and a computer suggested "optimum stocking quantity." Buying and selling prices for the used item are based on a user defined price table. This information enables the buyer to make an informed buying decision.

A Used Purchase Quote can be printed for the customer, listing the proposed cash or credit prices for the items to be purchased. This quotation can be saved, later retrieved, and edited to complete a used purchase. A Used Purchase Log contains the date and time of purchase, items purchased, price paid, and a customer reference code. Some states require that such a log be kept.

After buying used product, RecordTrak updates the quantity on hand and prints a Used Product Received report. A serialized "Used Purchase Trade Slip" can be printed for the customer. Refer to the Point-of-sale section for additional information about trade slips.

When selling used items at the POS, simply scan the bar code on the item. If a new product is scanned when an identical used product is in stock, the system can "beep" to alert the clerk. This allows you to suggest purchasing the used item to your customer, saving the customer money and making you more money!

For stores who display empty jewel cases on the sales floor and keep the actual product behind the counter, RecordTrak has several solutions. Location numbers can be automatically assigned and printed on a bar code label along with other information. When an item is sold, RecordTrak makes that location available for storing future purchases. Labels designed for the LIFT System , or other similar systems, can also be printed.

Special orders can be taken for used product. RecordTrak will not attempt to order new product in response to special orders for used items. If a used product is being considered for purchase, the Used Buying screen alerts the clerk that there is a request for that item.

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Returns (optional module)

RecordTrak's sophisticated Returns module helps you discover and eliminate overstock that is tying up valuable dollars and floor space by quickly creating efficient vendor returns.

You determine the group of items you want to consider for return by selecting items individually or by using the powerful Scan/Sort menu. You can select the quantities to be returned or you can allow the computer to recommend an "optimum" return quantity. The optimum return quantity is computed using your sales history and quantity on hand. During the editing process, you may adjust information about the items and quantities being returned.

A last return date, provided by your database supplier, is maintained by RecordTrak. You can print a report of all items in stock for which you will soon lose return privileges. Never again will you miss a last return date!

A Return Request list can be printed and sent to your supplier for approval. This enables you to keep the items on the sales floor until the Return Request is approved. When approved, a Returns Credit is printed and the items are removed from quantity on hand.

The Returns Credit prints your store's and the supplier's name and address. The returned items are listed in the order you select with totals, broken down by configuration, for the number of units and dollars at cost being returned. This information is stored year-to-date in the supplier file.

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Physical Inventory (optional module)

Periodic physical inventories are a fact of retail life. RecordTrak provides the tools you will need to perform inventories quickly and accurately. You can inventory the entire store, or cycle through different sections.

There are three ways to enter physical quantities. The most common way is to scan every item using RecordTrak's physical inventory screen. For more mobility, RecordTrak is compatible with many hand held computers, such as the Tricoder (TM) shown here. The Tricoder can be worn on your belt or used with a shoulder strap. This allows you to scan product right on the shelf.

Some stores choose to hire an outside service to take their inventories. RecordTrak is compatible with most of these services. They supply you with your physical quantities on floppy disc.

Once the physical counting is complete, RecordTrak can print a discrepancy report, with totals, and post the physical counts to quantity on hand.

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Rental (optional module)

The Rental module tracks video tapes, laser disks, and other product you wish to rent. It completely integrates purchases and rentals on the same sale at the POS

RecordTrak automatically recognizes rental items by their bar code. Rental and sales receipts are printed separately on the receipt printer. Rental receipts can be custom programmed for a fee to accommodate a preprinted form on an 80-column printer. Several rental stations can share a single printer.

The POS can also be used for rental returns. Simply scan the bar code of the returned rental, and your inventory and the renter's record are automatically updated. The system "beeps" and displays the message "Over Due" if an item is not returned on time.

A complete rental history stored on each member. RecordTrak can print a listing of rental members, over due rentals, and the last ten members who have rented a specific item.

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Consignment (optional module)

Items sold outside your store, such as at music fairs or concerts, can be tracked by the Consignment module. It compares the quantity removed from the store to the quantity returned, producing an invoice for what was sold.

To create a list of items to go out on consignment, you may enter specific stock numbers and quantities. You may also use the powerful Scan/Sort menu to select almost any subset of the inventory.

After completing a consignment order, simply pick the items off your shelves using the printout. When the unsold items are returned from consignment, just scan them in and the system prints an invoice. The invoice includes stock number, title, selling price, quantity that went out, quantity received back at your store, the quantity sold, and totals.

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Accounts Receivable (optional module)

The Accounts Receivable module enables you to extend credit to your customers through the POS and to track it until final payment. When taking a sale, simply enter the customer's code and the purchase is automatically applied to his accounting record. The customer's current balance is displayed on the POS screen for verification.

Statements can be printed monthly to show a complete record of each customer's transactions or just the transaction totals. In either case, any outstanding balance is printed until paid.

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Multi-Store (optional module)

If you own more than one store, or if you are thinking of opening an additional store, you may have concerns about the management and control of your business. RecordTrak's Multi-store module enables you to reduce costs by buying direct, maintaining control over remote stores, making better business decisions and optimizing your profits.

The Multi-Store module links two or more stores together. Each store operates independently during the day. A transaction log is maintained of all activity. Each night the computers automatically exchange information.

Stores can see quantity on hand at other stores, as of last night's processing. A central store, warehouse, or office maintains detailed quantities and histories for all stores. Central reports can be run for any single store, or a consolidation of all stores. The central site can order for all stores, or fill store generated orders from warehouse stock. The central site can exercise as little or as much control as you like.

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Mail Order / Wholesale (optional module)

RecordTrak's Mail Order/Wholesale module enables you to enter customer orders, print picking lists, track backorders, and link to accounts receivable (optional module). A specialized Order Entry screen is used to accept customer orders. Enter the customer's code, the items purchased, and the payment and shipping information.

Orders are placed in a picking queue. A pick list is automatically printed for items in stock. Items not in stock are placed in the recommended order file.

After receiving product into inventory, a backorder scan automatically matches customers' outstanding orders to the newly received product.

The Active Order report prints a single line summary of each order, giving you the option of excluding orders shipped in full. The Backorder report lists items ordered but not able to be filled for a specific customer or all customers. You may also print backorders for a specific item.

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COPYRIGHT © 2015, Record Trak LLC